Thank and Grow Rich – Day 5

Detailed photo of the planet Venus. Golden, orange, and brown tones. Black background.
Venus. Credit: NASA/JPL

February 5

  1. Venus outside my reading window
  2. Passionate and deeply knowledgeable co-workers
  3. Chipotle chips

The windows on the front of our house face east south east. And for the last couple months, I can see Venus shining brightly when I come downstairs at 6 am. And for a few days, Jupiter was “nearby” in my field of vision.

It was interesting to me, just seeing a brightness like that in the sky. But when I really start to think about how that is an entirely other planet and how far away it is and how we can still see it, whew! That brings a levity and humility to how I start my day.

And a lot of the time I lose that humility in a matter of minutes. hahahahah

One step at a time.

A stack of tortilla chips on a white background, perfectly lit.
And seriously. Those chips.