Thank and Grow Rich – Day 15

Bokeh-like circles of oranges and yellows melding over a red background.

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

February 15

  1. Cards with words written by the one from whom it was given
  2. Casino Royale (2006)
  3. Children who get excited about Valentine’s Day

In our house we try to roll with the concept that every day is Valentine’s Day. Before the kids were born we would specifically not celebrate Valentine’s Day, as it felt…wrong? It felt as though you had to make a big deal about that day or you weren’t really a loving partner. And it felt like the day was an excuse to step up your game, only to slide back into normal, less appreciative and loving routines immediately after.

So we decided to work on being kind and loving and appreciative, every day, without a holiday to mark and promote such behavior. And it was lovely. There were no expectations. Valentine’s days came and went.

This year, the kids were LIT UP about it. In January we were constantly asked, “How many days until Valentine’s Day?” And when the day was getting closer, they couldn’t wait to go get cards to give to friends and schoolmates. They were so excited to give to their friends and family.

Their excitement was contagious! Both my wife and I ended up handwriting notes/cards to the kids, encouraging them in all the ways we have been learning to see and encourage ourselves. And they were glowing after giving and receiving from friends and each other. It was lovely.