Thank and Grow Rich – Day 18

Multi-colored, crocheted blanket a top a yellow patterned duvet.
So cozy

February 18

  1. Garageband
  2. Shameless rest
  3. Multi-colored blankets

Let’s start with Garageband. I’ve been working on a nightly improv podcast telling stories to my kids. We were listening to other podcasts and I noticed that some had theme songs and some did not. In the spirit of “why not?” I wanted to try to make one, in the style of the show.

I do not have a lot of experience with keyboard instruments, my bass has cobwebs on it, and I do not have a drum set. It was thus, that drove me to open Garageband. And OH my. In 2019, the out-of-the-box sounds are way better than I had anticipated.

The night before I had downloaded a piano app onto my phone. A tune came to me. I recorded what was in my head by playing those fake keys on a cheap (free!) app. I then used the keyboard on my laptop to play sounds from an old school electric piano. Then, came up with a bass line. Then, recorded the characters singing the theme. It is only 4 bars long. And there is also a quick outro. I’m giddy with how it turned out.

Reminder: I’m not giddy because this is the best sounding theme in the whole world. There are many people that could hear and will think, “really? He published *that* to the world. So unprofessional.” And it is! That’s the point! It’s not terrible. It is just what I wanted it to sound like. And I made it! That’s the business, right there. Making. Doing. Creating. The whole ethos of this blog, that podcast, the video(s?), etc. Making. Doing. Creating.

Which leads me to naps.

I feel like an “other” when I want to take a nap. I’m 41. Occassionally, I want to rest. I am the only one in my immediately family with that desire. And everyone else wants to either do things together or go somewhere to do something. Those types of things are not what you would call “nap-friendly” activities.

I get support when I say I want to go take a nap but I feel guilty even asking. And I feel like I get support because that’s the right thing to do, but wouldn’t it be better for everyone else if I didn’t? (This is why I’m so deep into the books I keep referencing. There are so many constructs that my mind has built to keep me fighting things that don’t exist. It’s…exhausting.)

Yesterday, I came across the following post from Glennon Doyle:

First off, AAAAWWWW!! ????Look at those cuddles!

Secondly, Glennon is a word worker. She knows their power and wields them deftly. “Shameless rest is the secret of superheroes.” If it is possible for something to empower you to go do nothing, this did that for me! And so I spent sometime with my favorite blanket in a warm and cozy spot. It was so good. Thanks, Glennon.